Cigar News
InterviewsThe Art Behind Blending Cigars: Black Label Trading Interview
Author: Usman Dawood
In our latest video, we had the opportunity to sit down with James Brown, a key figure at the Black Trading Company, a renowned cigar manufacturer known for producing around 1.2 million cigars annually.
The company, celebrated for its commitment to quality and innovation, has carved a niche in the competitive world of cigar manufacturing. With its roots deeply embedded in tradition yet always eyeing the future, Black Trading Company has become a symbol of excellence in the cigar industry.
The heart of our discussion revolved around the unique blending techniques that have set Black Trading Company apart. James Brown, with his profound expertise and passion for cigars, took us through the intricate process of creating a blend that appeals to both connoisseurs and casual smokers alike. He emphasized the importance of selecting the right tobacco leaves, which are sourced from various regions to create a distinct flavour profile. Brown’s approach to blending is both an art and a science, involving meticulous testing and refinement to achieve the desired taste, aroma, and burning characteristics.
What makes the interview particularly engaging is Brown’s ability to demystify the complex process of cigar making. He shared insights into the aging process, the role of humidity and temperature in developing the cigars’ flavours, and the art of rolling – a skill that turns a blend of leaves into a smooth, cohesive product. His enthusiasm and knowledge are palpable, making the video not just informative but also a captivating experience for anyone interested in the behind-the-scenes of cigar production.
This interview with James Brown from Black Trading Company is more than just a conversation; it’s a journey into the heart of cigar making, showcasing the dedication and artistry that goes into each cigar they produce. It’s a must-watch for anyone interested in the fine art of cigar making and the passionate individuals behind it.
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