Cigar News
Habanos S.A. to Debut New Extra Aged Cigars: Anejados
Author: Cigar Inspector
Last month came the amazing news from the White House that America is going to normalize relations with Cuba. This is great news for cigar smokers, who can now look forward to legally bringing cigars home with them to the states. Now there’s something else to look forward to from Cuba, and that’s the news that Habanos S.A. will debut two vitolas in the first quarter of 2015 in their new “Añejados” line. Añejados cigars have been aged in Cuba, in perfect conditions of preservation, for a minimum of five years.
The two new vitolas will be the 155 mm x 52 Romeo y Julieta Píramides Añejados and the 178 mm x 47 Montecristo Churchills Añejados. Both cigars will come in boxes of 25 stamped with the Añejados sticker as well as the month and year of manufacture and the word “Revisado.” This translates to “checked,” as a measure of quality control. What will they be like? Habanos S.A. has stated in a press release that the aging process will give these vitolas a “rounder and mellower” flavor than the others in the Añejados line. The cedar boxes they have been aged in will contribute a wood note. These same boxes are the ones the cigars will be sold and distributed in, with the artwork printed on fresh before shipping. The pricing for these cigars has yet to be announced.
2 thoughts on “Habanos S.A. to Debut New Extra Aged Cigars: Anejados”
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I’ll need to check my local shops to see whether these are already available. If that’s the case, reviews coming soon 🙂
I hear the RyJ is horrible but I haven’t smoked one yet so I cant judge it yet. From what I hear is they taste young, almost like they have never been aged…the two people I know (and trust) that have smoked the RyJ Anjeados said they could not finish the smoke it tasted so horribly, we’ll see, I have ordered a few.