Cigar News
Cigar Release: Nat Cicco Cuban Legends
Author: Cigar Inspector
This August saw the introduction of the first value-priced premium cigar in the popular Nat Cicco line from Zander-Greg, Inc. Nat Cicco Cuban Legends are all-tobacco, all handmade cigars, in four large ring-gauge shapes.
“We’re excited about the initial response to Cuban Legends, by retailers and smokers, at this Summer’s annual tobacco trade show” states Zander-Greg’s president. “The Nat Cicco name first appeared in 1965, with the Churchill and Robusto Rejects value-priced medium-filler cigars. They were the industry’s original cigars on the ‘rejects’ or ‘factory seconds’ theme, often copied by other cigar manufacturers. Over the years, Rejects have proven popular, even more so in today’s difficult economy. We see Cuban Legends proving themselves to be a lot of cigar for the money, as well as a smooth, refined smoking experience.”
Nat Cicco Cuban Legends are made in Nicaragua, exclusively for Zander-Greg. The filler blend is Nicaraguan tobacco, and the cigars are available in natural and maduro wrappers. The available shapes are Churchill (7.5″ x 52), Torpedo (6″ x 54), Toro (6″ x 56), and Robusto (5″ x 54). Presented 40 cigars to a box, their suggested retail pricing ranges from $2.15 to $2.60 each. The cigars will begin appearing on retailers’ shelves nationwide, in mid-September.
1 thought on “Cigar Release: Nat Cicco Cuban Legends”
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Today I purchased a pair of Nat Cicco Churchill madura rejects at a local smoke shop because my Gurgkha cigar order didn’t show up. I was surprised of the quality. I expected a a fast burning cheep smoke that would likely fall apart before I finished. After all retail was 2.36. The first inch was OK but it just started getting better and better. Nice slow burn. It is a very good madura. about the time I reached the 5.5 inch mark the wrapper was was nice and oily. It was a very good one hour smoke. I think I just found my new every day smoke. Quite impressed for the price.