Cigar News
Aged Cuban cigars from LCDH Knokke
Author: Cigar Inspector
It’s really hard to age Cuban cigars for several reasons, limited storage space and lack of willpower being the main ones. Some retailers understand this and offer a selection of already aged cigars to their customers. These “vintage” boxes sometimes have 10 or more years on them (this kind of ageing is rarely necessary in my opinion though, I usually get great results with 3-5 years). I just got word that our friends at LCDH Knokke opened their own Aged Corner where you can buy boxes of vintage and/or hard to find cigars knowing the box code in advance.
Here is what they say about it:
Connoisseurs have been aging their cigars for quite some time. Indeed, cigars do change with years just like wine does. Even though there are several approaches to the phenomenon, we think that in essence there are three stages.
In the collection there are some true gems : the much praised Partagas D5 EL 2008, the always elegant Romeo y Julieta Exhibicion No. 3, flavour bomb Bolivar Petit Belicoso EL 2009, style-icon H. Upmann Lonsdale and the surprising Vegueros Especiales No. 1 en No. 2.
The price list is below (click to enlarge):
Orders will be taken at this stage by email (frederic [at] lacasadelhabano-knokke [dot] be) and shipping is foreseen in the second week of December to make sure your order arrives before Christmas! First come first serve. Montecristo Sublimes & Diplomaticos No. 2 are sold out.
2 thoughts on “Aged Cuban cigars from LCDH Knokke”
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Good propaganda but this vendor sells overpriced cigars. I guess cigars will keep on aging for some more years.
I agree, 3-5 years of aging is plenty of time. These cigars are way overpriced. Those who are interested should invest in a large humidor (end table size is good) and an electric humidifier (Cigar Oasis works for me). All can be had for @$500. Stock it and rotate your regulars. Within a year you will be smoking fine Cuban smokes with at least a year and a half of age on them. Last night I smoked a 2008 V.Robaina Famosos that I purchased for @$150 (box). It was very good.