Whisky Review: Dalmore Cigar Malt

Whisky Review: Dalmore Cigar Malt
Date: August 2022
Author: Martin

Dalmore Cigar Malt

Here is a monthly whisky review, written by Martin from WhiskyCritic.com. Enjoy!

I’m grabbed by a sense of elation as I stand in a field of heather, watching the sun as it slowly rises behind the tall trees of the forest in front of, the birds serenading it with their well-rehearsed a cappella performance. A breeze moves through the forest, rustling the leaves and gently awaking the sleeping critters, I see it moving through the heather for a second before it reaches me and caresses my skin with its tender touch, filling my nose with the scents of summer. I close my eyes briefly, and as I open them again, there it is. The king of the forest has come, the 12 point stag, and with him he carries all the beauty of the world.

While I wouldn’t lick the Dalmore stag, I won’t deny that I’ve considered cracking an empty bottle open and licking the inside of the glass. Dalmore is, as those who read my blog may have gathered, probably my favourite distillery. I love their bottles, their logo, their class and of course their delicious whisky. In front of me today stands a bottle of Dalmore Cigar Malt, which was specifically designed to go well with a nice cigar. Unfortunately I don’t have any, but this malt is good on its own as well.

It pours a seductive dark orange and looks like liquid silk, promising pleasure before you even catch a whiff of its scent. As you put your nose to the glass and close your eyes it gently warms you with dark chocolate, sumptuous creaminess and a sexy orange twist which makes your mouth water. Finally, as you lower your glass to your quivering lips it leaves a hint of sherry as a parting gift for your longing nose; like the scent of a lovers perfume on your shirt.

When you can’t wait any longer and take your first sip, she fills you with the smooth, rich, creaminess you’ve been longing for since you first poured her. If you close your eyes, she will make it all about you, caressing your palate with ripe, dark cherries dipped in sweet rum, luxurious caramel sweets, melted sugar, a drop of sherry and in a final moment of ecstasy, smoke. What’s left when she’s gone is a hint of her perfume on your breath, and a whisper of smoke on your palate.

In case you hadn’t guessed, this whisky really does it for me. Highly recommended.

Colour: Smooth dark orange.

Nose: Dark chocolate, creaminess, sexy orange, a gentle whisper of smoke.

Taste: : Ripe dark cherries, sweet rum, caramel sweets, melted sugar, drop of sherry and a sensuous touch of smoke.

3 thoughts on “Whisky Review: Dalmore Cigar Malt

  1. Supposidly it’s been rebranded and the Gran reserva is the exact same Malt

  2. As far as I know, this whisky is still available for sale at some retailers, isn’t it?

  3. Dalmore is no longer making the Cigar Malt.

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