Cigar Library
Cigars 101Author: Usman Dawood
Cigar smoking is an enjoyable and nuanced hobby, but for beginners, it can be overwhelming to navigate the world of cigars. One common misconception is that smaller cigars are more suitable for novices. However, in many cases, smaller cigars can be stronger and may not be the best option for beginners. This buying guide aims to provide detailed information on cigar sizes, their strength, and how to choose the right cigar as a beginner.
Don’t Pick a Small Cigar
The misconception that small cigars are exclusively for beginners is a common misunderstanding in the world of cigars. While it’s true that small cigars may appear less intimidating due to their compact size, it’s important to note that size alone does not determine whether a cigar is suitable for beginners or not. In fact, many small cigars are some of the strongest cigars and due to the strength may not be suitable for beginners to enjoy.
In reality, the size of a cigar should only be used as a metric to determine the length of time it takes to smoke it. Small cigars will generally offer a shorter smoking experience, while larger cigars provide a more extended and leisurely smoking session. Therefore, beginners should not assume that small cigars are inherently beginner-friendly based on their size. It’s crucial to explore the wide range of cigars available and consider factors like strength, flavour profile, and personal preference to find the right cigar, regardless of its size.
Don’t Pick a Mild Cigar
When it comes to selecting cigars as a beginner, it is important to consider the full spectrum of options and not limit oneself solely to mild cigars. While mild cigars are often recommended for beginners due to their approachable nature, it’s worth noting that choosing a cigar that is too mild may result in a lackluster experience.
Mild cigars can sometimes lack the complexity and boldness that can leave a lasting impression. For beginners who are open to exploring different flavour profiles, starting with a mild to medium strength cigar can provide a broader range of tastes and aromas without being overpowering. This allows newcomers to develop their palate and discover the diverse nuances that the world of cigars has to offer. By opting for a mild to medium cigar, beginners can strike a balance between approachability and the potential for a more captivating and enjoyable smoking experience.
What Size Should You Pick?
For beginners, opting for cigar sizes such as the Petit Corona or Robusto can be a smart choice. The Petit Corona typically measures around 5 inches in length with a ring gauge of 40 to 42, while the Robusto is slightly larger, typically around 5 to 5.5 inches long with a ring gauge of 50. These sizes offer a balance between smoking duration and flavour experience.
Choosing these sizes provides beginners with a meaningful smoking experience without feeling overwhelmed. They are often available in a wide range of mild to medium strength cigars, which are generally recommended for newcomers. This ensures that beginners can enjoy the full flavours and aromas of a good cigar without being overpowered by intense strength. Moreover, these cigar sizes are often more affordable compared to larger formats, making them accessible to those just starting their cigar journey. Their size allows for a satisfying smoke without dragging on for an extended period, making them an ideal choice for beginners looking to explore the world of cigars.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, it’s important for beginners to debunk the misconceptions surrounding cigar sizes and make informed choices based on their preferences and smoking experience. Size alone does not determine whether a cigar is suitable for beginners or not. Instead, it primarily indicates the smoking duration. Small cigars may seem less intimidating, but they can be stronger and may not be the best option for novices. On the other hand, beginners should not limit themselves to solely mild cigars. Exploring mild to medium strength cigars can provide a broader range of flavours and aromas without overwhelming the palate.
When selecting a cigar size, options like the Petit Corona or Robusto offer a balance between smoking duration and flavour experience. These sizes are often available in mild to medium strength cigars and provide a meaningful smoking experience without dragging on forever. Additionally, they are generally more affordable, making them accessible to beginners. By considering factors like strength, flavour profile, and personal preference, beginners can embark on their cigar journey with confidence and enjoy the nuances of this enjoyable hobby. Remember, the key is to explore, experiment, and discover the cigars that suit your individual taste and preferences.