Cigar News
SpecialsVirtual Nicaraguan Cigar Festival
Author: Inspector Z
Virtual Nicaraguan Cigar Festival. Puro Sabor is the Nicaraguan equivalent of the Dominican ProCigar and Cuban Habanos festival events. And due to the covid-19 pandemic that has the world in its grips, there was no 2021 edition. But unlike the Habanos Festival and ProCigar, Puro Sabor takes the festival online.
In 11 weekly virtual gatherings, members of the Nicaraguan Chamber of Tobacco get the opportunity to educate participants on several subjects. For this, Puro Sabor works with Light ‘em Up World. Reinhard Pohorec of Light ‘em Up and Ra’ed Saqfelhait of The Leaf Master Dubai will moderate each session. To register for the virtual PuroSabor festival, visit the festival website. Registration is free.
Even though hit by covid and two strong hurricanes, Nicaraguan tobacco farms and cigar manufacturers are continuing. “The Nicaraguan cigar industry is once again opening the doors of its factories, but this time in an innovative digital format. Visitors will be able to virtually join Nicaragua’s most important tobacco producers and cigar manufacturers,” says Claudio Sgroi, president of the Nicaraguan Chamber of Tobacco (CNT) and master blender for Mombacho.
“2021 requires innovative concepts and new ways of thinking. With Light ’em Up World, a digital content platform for the modern cigar aficionado, Puro Sabor found an ideal partner to launch and host the Virtual Nicaraguan Cigar Festival,” Sgroi adds.
The sessions
So far, 11 sessions are on the roster. Starting on Monday, March 15, and then a new session every other Monday. The topics are the same as if it would be a physical festival in beautiful Esteli, Nicaragua.
- Introductory Episode with Claudio Sgroi.
- The Value and Economic Importance of the Industry in Nicaragua with Juan Martinez.
- Harvest and Pre-industry with Nestor Andres Plasencia.
- Blending and Tasting
- Cigar Production, Major Manufacturers
- Cigar Production, “Big” Small Manufacturers
- Marketing
- Why Are We Number 1 in all the rankings
- Technology and Innovation in the Cigar Industry
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Q&A with a panel of tobacco producers
Inspirational panels and live masterclasses will be presented by Nicaragua’s leading tobacco producers and cigar manufacturers.
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