Cigar News
SpecialsThe Brand New Davidoff: The Difference Campaign
Author: Inspector X
To present its loyal aficionados with interesting and detailed insights into its unique cigar creation process, Davidoff Cigars launches its “The Difference” campaign. The communication revolves around the highly acclaimed Davidoff White Band Collection lines Signature, Grand Cru, Aniversario and Millennium and offers fascinating glimpses behind the scenes of Davidoff’s extraordinary efforts. For a strong start, the brand releases a limited edition of its formerly permanent and highly popular Davidoff Classic No. 1 cigar, now called the Davidoff Signature No. 1 Limited Edition Collection.
The foundation of the brand’s distinguishing achievements today was laid over a century ago, when the Davidoff family had to take a different path in life, found refuge in Switzerland and turned their relocation into a success story: The opening of the first Davidoff store in Geneva. The shop, which soon became an institution and meeting point for aficionados from near and far, paved Zino Davidoff’s way into the world of premium cigars. Davidoff Cigars still carries on that pioneering and innovative spirit of Zino Davidoff in its cigar creation process today.
“Being different is an integral part of our DNA as a brand”, claims Edward Simon, CMO at Oettinger Davidoff AG, proudly. Because Davidoff does cigar production differently from start to finish. “We have come a long way from the Davidoff family’s first tobacco store, the first humidor, and many more milestones until today. Every day, Caribbean passion meets Swiss precision in our production halls, on our fields, in our stores and of course our cigars. Following our ‘crop to shop’ philosophy, we can steer and control every single step of cigar creation and production. Always guided by our core values craftsmanship, quality and consistency, we managed to uphold our high standards for handmade cigars even throughout the most difficult of times. We now want to proudly present these values to our customers through a fact-based communication campaign. Aficionados can look forward to intimate cigar events all over the world to experience said campaign which we will underpin with a vast digital and social media initiative. We want to ensure that no matter where our customers come into touch with Davidoff, they will learn about The Difference”, says Simon.
The White Band is The Difference – the facts
Only 10% of seeds make it through Davidoff’s strict quality control.
From 225,000 seeds per plant, Davidoff sows only the strongest and most viable. Premium taste begins at birth.
Every Davidoff cigar passes through 300 hands before it is enjoyed.
Each White Band cigar is handcrafted. Each hand applies a personal skill to what will become a very personal experience.
Davidoff’s inventory is the largest in the world.
2,600 tons of tobacco ensure variety and consistent quality. Davidoff cigars will never be compromised by unexpected natural events.
Davidoff weighs every single leaf before rolling.
Davidoff makes sure that every blend has the exact same amount of ingredients. Caribbean passion and Swiss precision bring you consistent taste.
It takes 10 years of experience to roll a Davidoff cigar.
You can taste how Davidoff’s creations are wrapped around years of experience. Perfect combustion, pleasant draw, sophisticated aromas.
Davidoff Signature No. 1 Limited Edition Collection – cigar history re-rolled
To start the extensive celebration of these unique White Band Collection cigar lines with a bang, Davidoff re-releases one of its most iconic and beloved cigars as a limited edition. Originally known as the Davidoff Classic No. 1, the Master Blenders have revived the blend we know as Signature today in its long and thin panetela larga shape with a pigtail. Davidoff anticipates surprising its loyal aficionados and collectors with a cigar for whose return they had waited for over half a century. The Limited Edition speaks for Davidoff’s distinguishing efforts and excellence in production over the years: An inventory big enough, Master Blenders skilled enough and rollers experienced enough came together to recreate a unique cigar enjoyment from many years ago. Time is the finest ingredient in every single Davidoff cigar. In the case of the temporary return of the Davidoff Signature No. 1, it applies even more.
Due to its length and a relatively narrow ring gauge, the typical Davidoff Signature flavours are slightly more intense in the Limited Edition. At the start of this elegant masterpiece, aromas of barley and toasted wheat enhance subtle notes of earth. As the cigar proceeds, smooth cream and brown sugar notes take over and complement scents of floral spice. In the last third, soft flavours of cedar wood and dried fruit pair with notes of pepper. The earthy, wooden notes with the floral aromas of the Signature No. 1 create a clean and creamy aftertaste.
Davidoff White Band Collection – the icon of refinement and sophistication
The Davidoff White Band Collection consists of the four permanent lines Signature, Grand Cru, Aniversario and Millennium. What makes them so special is that they are all blended with the same three Dominican main tobaccos Olor, San Vicente and Piloto that were picked at different grade levels and appear in different ratios in the blends.
Davidoff Signature – creamy & sophisticated
Signature stands out in the cigar world. Every 30 seconds, someone somewhere around the globe enjoys a Davidoff Signature 2000. Another special cigar is the Signature Exquisitos, the smallest handmade long-filler in the world.
Signature is largely composed of volado tobaccos, which give the blend its smooth flavours and mild intensity. Davidoff’s Master Blenders rebalanced the blend for each of the iconic formats, making Signature accessible for novices and enjoyable for those in the mood for a smooth and sophisticated cigar.
Davidoff Grand Cru – cultivated & aromatic
In 1946, Zino Davidoff established a wine-cigar analogy, drawing parallels from the creation of wine to that of cigars. This inspired the creation of a whole line.
Grand Cru is a blend of three fillers, just like a heritage Bordeaux wine is a blend of at least three different types of grapes. The Davidoff Master Blenders used mainly seco leaves for Grand Cru to create depth of character and a layered, aromatic taste journey. The line offers a range of various formats and ring gauges that provide ideal taste experiences for novices and for those looking for a cultivated taste experience.
Davidoff Aniversario – diverse & complex
Aniversario is the ideal cigar for celebrations, as it launched on Zino Davidoff’s 80th birthday in 1986. The line includes a number of special shapes, such as the figurados Special «T» and Short Perfecto. Special «T» has a proprietary and patented vitola shape that delivers unique taste experiences depending on the cut.
Blended with mostly visus tobaccos, the Aniversario blend is the perfect medium-intense cigar to fill special times beautifully.
Davidoff Millennium – intense & refined
The Davidoff Master Blenders relentlessly worked on the development of the seed that would grow into Millennium’s wrapper leaf. After 300 trials, they were satisfied with Hybrid 151, which now grows in special conditions in Ecuador.
The work paid off: The distinctive taste of the wrapper makes Millennium the complex, yet refined blend that it is. Predominantly composed of ligero and visus tobaccos, Millennium is the most intense offering of the White Band Collection. It is ideal for aficionados who enjoy rich notes of oily tobaccos.
Launch & Availability
From 26 January 2023*, the Davidoff Signature No. 1 Limited Edition Collection will be available at select Davidoff Appointed Merchants, premium cigar retailers and in Davidoff flagship stores.
*Launch dates may vary depending on country.
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