Cigar News
NewsTabacalera Familia Disla Announces ‘Hall of Masters’ and Vanguard Aegis Tobacco Innovation
Author: Inspector X
Today marks a significant milestone in the history of the Tabacalera Familia Disla, reflecting the immense growth and success that Domain Cigars has brought to the organization. Since the launch of Domain Cigars, the factory has experienced remarkable expansion across various facets of its business. This success has also generated substantial interest from the cigar industry, with numerous entities expressing a desire to collaborate on new cigar projects. Although no new cigars are being introduced at this moment, the factory is eager to unveil two ground-breaking developments that are set to elevate both the organization and the industry as a whole.
The Residency: Hall of Masters by Tabacalera Familia Disla
The first major announcement is the introduction of “The Residency: Hall of Masters,” a pioneering concept by Tabacalera Familia Disla that brings together some of the most skilled and experienced blenders in the cigar industry. The factory is proud to welcome Raul Disla, a master blender with over 40 years of experience, to its team. Raul’s addition is seen as a monumental achievement, given his unparalleled expertise and esteemed reputation in the cigar world. His presence, alongside Esteban Disla and Kevin Baxter, further strengthens the factory’s commitment to excellence and innovation. “The Residency” represents a unique approach to cigar blending, uniting master blenders within a vertically integrated enterprise to create cigars of exceptional quality.
Vanguard Aegis: A New Tobacco Innovation
The second exciting development is the introduction of Vanguard Aegis, an innovative new tobacco that promises to be a game-changer in the industry. This exceptional tobacco, with a rich and intricate story behind it, will significantly enhance the factory’s already impressive portfolio of tobaccos. Vanguard Aegis is expected to serve as a robust foundation for future cigar projects, enabling the factory to continue pushing the boundaries of tobacco innovation.
Spotlight on the Master Blenders
The announcement also shines a spotlight on the master blenders who are driving the factory’s success.
• Raul Disla: With over four decades of experience, Raul Disla has been instrumental in creating some of the most iconic cigar brands in the industry, including Patina, Dapper, and Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust. His journey in the world of tobacco began at the young age of seven in the Dominican Republic, and he has since refined his blending skills under the mentorship of industry legends like Sergio Cuevas. The factory is honoured to have Raul join its team, confident that his contributions will propel Tabacalera Familia Disla to unprecedented heights.
• Kevin Baxter: Known as the “ghost blender” behind numerous renowned brands, Kevin Baxter brings two decades of blending expertise to the table. His first major project, Asylum, was a resounding success, with millions of cigars sold. Kevin’s diverse background as a former Marine, technologist, and master tobacconist provides a unique perspective that enriches the factory’s approach to cigar blending.
These developments mark a new chapter in the factory’s journey, reinforcing its position as a leader in the cigar industry and setting the stage for continued innovation and excellence.
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