Cigar News
SpecialsSweet tipped Sobremesa sampler announced
Author: Inspector Z
Sweet tipped Sobremesa sampler announced. One of the most talked-about cigar releases from last year is Sobremesa Brûlée. Where all cigars blended by Steve Saka from Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust are medium to full-bodied, nobody expected a mild and smooth cigar. Yet, Saka created one
“Sobremesa Brûlée is a recreation of the milder, shade wrapped ligas of my early years. Somewhere over the last three decades many of the classic shade cigars have become wispy, uninspiring, and rather dull to my palate. I wanted to share with others the way I remember these blonde cigars being,” Saka said at the release of the Sobremesa Brûlée
Sweet-tipped or not?
Immediately after the release, the debate started. Is the cigar sweet tipped or not? Saka denies, yet many in the cigar community are convinced that the cigars are sweet tipped. Sweet tipping is a process whereby the binder or wrapper is dipped in sugar water to create a sweeter smoke. The debate was so strong, that Saka posted a hilarious video on Facebook. In the video, he was ranting about being diabetic and peeing over the wrapper before using it, thus creating a sweet cigar.
A year after the release, the debate still hasn’t stopped. To end it once and for all, Saka is releasing the STFU! Sampler. The ‘Saka Taste For U’rself! Sampler’. A statement on Facebook said “I am tired of telling people that Sobremesa Brûlée is NOT sweet tipped. Many agree, but others do not believe me. So how do I prove a negative? Simple. I let you taste, compare, contrast, and decide for yourself.”
To do that, Saka created a sampler with 5 identical cigars from the Sobremesa Brûlée blend. But there is a twist. The sampler has one of more normal Sobremesa Brûlée cigars, one or more sweet tipped, and one or more double sweet tipped cigars. But Saka has not revealed which one is which. Saka will reveal which one is which during a Facebook live on September 15th.
Unavailable for international distributors
Unfortunately for the international fans of the Sobremesa Brûlée, this sampler will only be available for retailers in the United States. Yet we secured a sampler, and we will be testing the cigars for ourselves.
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