Cigar News
NewsPadrón Marks 60th Anniversary with Limited Edition Perfecto Cigar
Author: Inspector X
On September 8, Padrón Cigars celebrated its 60th anniversary. To mark this milestone, the company has begun shipping the highly anticipated Padrón 60th. These cigars are being released in limited quantities and feature a unique large perfecto shape, which is only the second time in Padrón’s six-decade history that they have crafted a cigar of this kind.
The Padrón 60th cigars are made entirely of Nicaraguan tobacco and measure 6 1/2 inches in length with a 56 ring gauge at their thickest point. They have a retail price of $75 per cigar and are available in boxes of 10. Due to the complexity involved in making these cigars, production and release are moving slowly. “We were not able to ship a lot of boxes,” Jorge Padrón, president of Padrón Cigars, said. “It’s going to be very slow going out. We’re taking our time with it. The product is going to come in slowly, and we’ll distribute it as it becomes available.”
Both natural and maduro versions of the Padrón 60th have been shipped. This particular cigar differs from the iconic Padrón Serie 1926 80 Years, which debuted in 2007. While the 80 Years cigar was box-pressed, the Padrón 60th is round and shaped as a Salomon, a type of perfecto with a bulbous bottom. Though its largest point measures 56 ring gauge, it tapers to 48 near the ends, giving the cigar a distinctive profile. “We’ve never made it in that shape before,” said Jorge Padrón, who noted that blending and manufacturing this cigar posed a significant challenge.
Padrón Cigars was founded on September 8, 1964, in Miami by José Orlando Padrón, Jorge’s father. Starting with just one cigar roller and selling cigars for a mere 25 cents apiece, José Orlando Padrón and his family built the company into one of the most respected and successful names in the cigar industry.
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