Cigar News
SpecialsObras Maestras cigars returning
Author: Inspector Z
Obras Maestras cigars returning. Joya de Nicaragua is releasing a new batch of two of the lines from their Obras Maestras series. A series that commemorates their trajectory in the Nicaraguan premium cigar industry. The Obras Maestras consists of the Cuatro Cinco, Cinco Decadas, and Numero Uno. Where the Cuatro Cinco is a constant regular production, the other two are released only once a year. In small quantities but in several vitolas.
Numero Uno
The Joya de Nicaragua Numero Uno is a mild cigar with a Connecticut Shade wrapper from Ecuador. The rest of the tobacco is Nicaraguan. This cigar is the official diplomatic cigar for the Nicaraguan government. But in 2018 the cigar was chosen as an event-exclusive cigar for a few events. The response, both from consumers and from our friends at Halfwheel, made Joya de Nicaragua consider releasing the cigar as part of the Obras Maestras series.
Each summer Joya de Nicaragua is releasing a new batch. Both for the American market and international markets. This year sees the return of the Joya de Nicaragua Numero Uno L’Ambassadeur and Le Premier. These are a 6⅝x44 Lonsdale and a 6⅞x48 Churchill. The cigars come in boxes of 25.
Cinco Decadas
To celebrate 50 years of Joya de Nicaragua, the company released a limited edition. This cigar, with the name Cinco Decadas, was a hit. We chose it as the best cigar of 2019. The line became an annual release, with a new vitola in 2019 and 2020. Plus an exclusive for the international markets under the name “Cinco Decadas El Embargo”. We reviewed the El Embargo as well.
This summer Joya de Nicaragua is releasing 1800 boxes of Cinco Decadas. That means 600 boxes of the Cinco Decadas Diadema, 600 boxes of El General, and 600 boxes of El Fundador. The 6×52 Joya de Nicaragua Cinco Decadas El Doctor is not returning. This cigar was a tribute to Joya de Nicaragua owner Dr. Martinez Cuenca.
“As we have always said, this is the best cigar that comes out of Joya de Nicaragua’s factory in Estelí,” says Juan Ignacio Martínez, executive president of Joya de Nicaragua, in a press release. “That is why we pay so much attention in guaranteeing that every annual batch has the same quality level as the first one we sold in 2018. This year, global demand for cigars is surging, however, we remain true to ourselves, and we are selling the number of cigars that can be rolled with the Cinco Decadas standards.”
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