Date: August 2024
Author: Inspector X

Puro Sabor, Nicaragua’s premier annual cigar festival, is set to return from January 20 to 24, 2025, offering a unique opportunity for cigar enthusiasts to immerse themselves in the rich culture and tradition of Nicaraguan cigars. If you’re considering attending this exclusive event, now is the time to secure your spot and prepare for an unforgettable experience.

The festival kicks off on Monday, January 20, in the vibrant city of Managua, the capital of Nicaragua. This first day is typically a warm introduction to the country’s culture, providing participants with a chance to get acclimated and meet fellow attendees. Managua, known for its historical significance and bustling urban atmosphere, serves as the perfect starting point for this week-long celebration.

On Tuesday, January 21, the adventure continues with a day trip to Lake Nicaragua, the largest freshwater lake in Central America. This lake, steeped in history and natural beauty, offers a serene backdrop for the day’s activities. Attendees will enjoy a leisurely boat ride to one of the picturesque islands within the lake, where a delightful lunch will be served. The setting provides a tranquil escape, allowing guests to unwind and savour the unique flavours of Nicaragua, all while surrounded by breath-taking scenery.

The festival reaches its peak on Wednesday, January 22, when the group heads to Estelí, often referred to as the cigar capital of Nicaragua. Estelí is home to some of the world’s most renowned cigar factories, and during this day, attendees will have the rare opportunity to tour these facilities. With dozens of factories participating, guests can witness first-hand the intricate process of cigar production, from leaf to finished product. This behind-the-scenes experience is a highlight for many, offering deep insights into the craftsmanship and dedication that goes into every Nicaraguan cigar.

Throughout the festival, participants will not only enjoy these immersive tours but will also be treated to a series of exclusive lunches hosted by leading cigar companies. These lunches serve as both a culinary delight and a networking opportunity, bringing together representatives from over two dozen Nicaraguan cigar manufacturers. Each evening, the festivities continue with themed dinners, where attendees can indulge in local cuisine and engage in lively discussions over fine cigars. Additionally, the festival offers a variety of tastings, including Nicaraguan rum and coffee, further enriching the cultural experience. Educational sessions on the history of Nicaragua are also woven into the schedule, ensuring that guests leave with a deeper understanding of the country’s heritage.

The Puro Sabor festival concludes in grand style on Friday night, January 24, with a closing gala dinner. This event serves as a final celebration, bringing together all attendees for a memorable evening of fine dining, entertainment, and camaraderie. The following day, Saturday, January 25, participants are provided with transportation to the Managua airport, marking the end of the festival.

For those interested in attending, the registration fee for Puro Sabor 2025 is $2,500 per person. There is also an option for two people to share a hotel room for a total cost of $4,500. These fees cover five nights of accommodation, all meals and drinks from Monday through Friday, ground transportation, cigars, festival swag, entry to all scheduled events, and group insurance.

Puro Sabor is organized by the Cámara Nicaragüense de Tabacaleros (Nicaragua Tobacco Chamber), a respected organization representing more than 25 of the country’s leading cigar manufacturers. This festival not only celebrates the artistry and tradition of Nicaraguan cigars but also offers a unique opportunity to connect with industry leaders, explore the country’s rich cultural landscape, and indulge in the finest cigars Nicaragua has to offer.

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