Cigar News
NewsLa Flor Dominicana Commemorates 30th Anniversary with LFD 30 Years Cigar
Author: Inspector X
La Flor Dominicana, a brand synonymous with premium cigars, is marking a significant milestone in its history—30 years in the business. To commemorate this achievement, founders Litto Gomez and Ines Lorenzo-Gomez have introduced the LFD 30 Years cigar, a celebratory smoke that is gradually making its way to select retailers. This limited-edition cigar is not just a tribute to the company’s longevity but also a showcase of its commitment to quality and craftsmanship.
The journey of the LFD 30 Years cigar to retail shelves has been a slow and deliberate process, with only a few retailers currently receiving shipments. Most of these initial batches have landed in the Miami area, home to La Flor Dominicana’s U.S. headquarters. However, the reach of this special cigar is beginning to extend beyond Florida, with exclusive events held to celebrate and sell the cigar. One such event took place recently in Greenwich, Connecticut, hosted by Tobacconist of Greenwich, where attendees had the opportunity to experience this exquisite smoke.
One of the primary reasons for the slow rollout of the LFD 30 Years cigar is the elaborate humidors that accompany it. These humidors are not just storage units but works of art in their own right. Designed to resemble the Tamboril factory in the Dominican Republic, where La Flor Dominicana cigars are meticulously crafted, the humidors are bright, yellow, and polished to perfection. The attention to detail is evident both inside and out. The lid of each humidor features a striking image of Litto and Ines Gomez on horseback, set against the backdrop of one of their lush tobacco fields. This imagery not only highlights the founders’ deep connection to their craft but also adds a personal touch to the product, making each humidor a collectible piece.
Manufactured at La Flor Dominicana’s box factory in the Dominican Republic, these humidors house 60 Chisel-shaped anniversary cigars, a signature shape of the brand. The Chisel, a distinctive wedge-shaped Figurado, measures 6 1/2 inches in length with a ring gauge of 58. Each cigar is adorned with three bands, bordered in golden leaves, with the main band featuring a resplendent pink tobacco flower—La Flor Dominicana’s emblem, symbolizing the company’s name, which translates to “the Dominican flower.” This meticulous attention to design and presentation reflects the brand’s dedication to excellence.
The blend of the LFD 30 Years cigar is both familiar and unique. While it shares some characteristics with other La Flor Dominicana cigars, it also introduces something new—a binder leaf aged from Cotui, Dominican Republic. This addition adds a distinct depth to the flavour profile. The filler blend comes from La Flor’s tobacco farm in La Canela, Dominican Republic, and the wrapper is a rich Ecuadorian Sumatra. This combination of aged tobaccos creates a complex and satisfying smoking experience, honouring the brand’s three-decade legacy.
The rollout of the LFD 30 Years cigar will continue over the next six months, with the company carefully allocating its limited supply. “We’re trying to allocate as best we can,” said Ines Lorenzo-Gomez, highlighting the challenge of balancing demand with the availability of these exceptional cigars.
For those fortunate enough to secure one of these cigars, the experience comes with a premium price tag. The suggested retail price for each cigar is $30, reflecting the craftsmanship and quality that have gone into its creation. The complete humidor, containing 60 of these celebratory cigars, is priced at $1,800, making it a prized possession for serious cigar collectors and aficionados alike.
As La Flor Dominicana celebrates 30 years in the cigar industry, the LFD 30 Years cigar stands as a testament to the brand’s enduring legacy and its unwavering commitment to producing some of the finest cigars in the world.
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