Cigar News
SpecialsJoya releases European exclusive Cinco Decadas
Author: Inspector Z
Joya releases European exclusive Cinco Decadas. The oldest cigar factory in Nicaragua has a strong presence in Europe. And to honor the relationship with the European distributors and distributors, a European exclusive Cinco Decadas is released. Cinco Decadas El Embargo will be available in selected European markets starting this month. The first store to sell the cigars is Cigaragua in Amsterdam. Cigaragua is the world’s flagship store for Nicaraguan Premium Cigars.
Cinco Decadas el embargo
The European exclusive Cinco Decadas has the name Cinco Decadas El Embargo. It refers to the American embargo on Nicaragua. President Ronald Reagan declared the embargo in May of 1985 to undermine the socialist Sandinista government. The Sandinistas seized power in 1979 after a revolution that caused dictator Somoza to flee the country. Somoza was denied asylum in the United States by President Carter. Somoza ends up in Paraguay where he is assassinated in 1980 by a Sandinista commando team. President Bush lifted the embargo in March of 1990.
That embargo is the reason why Joya de Nicaragua is active in Europe longer than most other New World brands. The Sandinista regime used the cigars as payment for weapons, oil, and food. Even after the embargo was lifted, Joya de Nicaragua remained present in Europe. As a result, the company has strong ties with distributors and cigar enthusiasts overseas.
The new Cinco Decadas El Embargo is a Gordo. 6 inches long with a 60 ring gauge. The cigars come on boxes of 10 cigars. The blend is identical to the regular production sizes of the Cinco Decadas. What those tobaccos are is a company secret. Joya de Nicaragua is not disclosing the blend on this masterpiece. The price in The Netherlands will be €210 per box of 10 cigars.
Cinco Decadas
In 2017 Joya de Nicaragua celebrated its 50th birthday. That milestone was celebrated with a book written by Nick Hammond about the history of the brand. And with a new cigar, Cinco Decadas, or five decades. Originally released in two sizes, the 7×50 El General and a 6×54 Diadema. Cinco Decadas Diadema is the best cigar of 2019 on here. The line now exists in four sizes. A 6×54 Fundador and 6×52 Torpedo called El Doctor complete the line.
The blend is part of the Obras Maestras selection. These are cigars that commemorate Joya’s trajectory in the Nicaraguan premium cigar industry. The other two blends in this selection are the Joya de Nicaragua Uno and the Quatro Cinco.
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