Cigar News
NewsIntroducing Stoic Cigars: A New Brand with a Purpose
Author: Inspector X
Stoic Cigars, a brand founded by Vance Taylor, is set to make its debut next month, offering a unique blend of fine craftsmanship and personal philosophy. Produced in the Dominican Republic at Klaas Kelner’s renowned factory, Stoic Cigars aims to go beyond the conventional cigar experience. With its debut line, aptly named “Stoic,” Taylor brings a thoughtful approach to cigar-making, integrating principles of self-reflection and mindfulness into each smoke.
The inaugural Stoic line features an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper and binder, with fillers from the Dominican Republic, the U.S., and a mystery South American source. The line will be available in four distinct sizes, each embodying one of the Stoic virtues:
- Stoic Courage (5 x 50) – $10.68 (Box of 20, $213.60)
- Stoic Justice (6 x 52) – $11.68 (Box of 20, $233.60)
- Stoic Wisdom (7 x 48) – $12.88 (Box of 20, $257.60)
- Stoic Moderation (5 1/2 x 46) – $10.68 (Box of 20, $213.60)
The line will initially release with limited availability, offering 250 boxes each for Courage and Justice and 125 boxes each for Wisdom and Moderation. The official launch event is set for November 16 at Summit Cigar Co. in Akron, Ohio, after which other retailers will receive shipments within 30 days.
Every Stoic cigar is adorned with symbols of courage, justice, temperance, and wisdom, connecting the smoking experience with the tenets of personal growth. Taylor elaborates, “Stoic Cigars is more than just a premium product; it’s a symbol of self-improvement and personal empowerment.” The brand’s dedication to quality is further supported by Klaas Kelner, a young yet deeply knowledgeable cigar maker known for his meticulous attention to detail. Taylor commends Kelner, saying, “Despite his young age, he knows more about tobacco…than most industry veterans twice his age.”
The boxes also include a QR code linking to a site that delves into the blend’s composition, enhancing the experience for enthusiasts. With Stoic Cigars, Taylor has crafted a brand that not only caters to the palate but also appeals to those seeking a deeper, more mindful journey in cigar smoking.
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