Cigar News
NewsE.P. Carrillo Partners with Cigar Sense to Revolutionize Personalized Cigar Recommendations
Author: Inspector X
E.P. Carrillo announces a ground-breaking partnership with Cigar Sense to offer personalized cigar recommendations to visitors of their website. This innovative partnership blends time-honoured rich history and tradition with cutting-edge technology, fostering a deeper connection with cigar enthusiasts. “We are excited to implement this expert cigar recommender as a way to engage with our customers, and understand their unique individual preferences,” said Lissette Perez-Carrillo, co-founder of E.P. Carrillo.
The spark for this collaboration ignited with Ernesto Perez-Carrillo III’s challenge to the team: “Imagine a magical digital experience for our consumers.” The response began with applying QR codes on foot bands on new production and culminated with the full integration of Cigar Sense’s recommender into the website.
This digital experience guides enthusiasts to select their preferred flavours based on the Cigar Sense aroma and taste wheels, along with 3 favourite cigars. The recommender then works its magic, instantly revealing a personalized ranking of the best E.P. Carrillo cigars tailored to their unique palate. The sensory attributes displayed under each recommendation empower consumers to develop their palates and appreciate the nuances of each cigar. Consumers can access this website by scanning QR codes on the Essence Series foot bands or by visiting
“We are proud to make it easier than ever for enthusiasts to discover new E.P. Carrillo favourites, perfectly matching their individual preferences. Working with Ernesto Perez-Carrillo III, Lissette and David is a joy.” David Wells, co-founder of Cigar Sense, stated.
E.P. Carrillo’s dedication to excellence, innovation, and customer-centric service shines through in this partnership. By embracing Cigar Sense’s personalized recommendation platform, they’re not just ensuring that each cigar lover enjoys the cigars they savour, they also foster a deeper understanding of why they do.
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