Cigar News
NewsDavidoff’s New Elegant “Travel Humidor Business” for the Modern Aficionado
Author: Inspector X
After launching a redesigned model of the Davidoff Travel Humidor Explorer earlier this year, Davidoff Cigars is delighted to introduce a new addition to its travel humidor collection. This latest offering, the Travel Humidor Business, provides aficionados with an elegant way to transport their cigars in style while delivering unparalleled convenience. With a sophisticated navy-blue exterior, inspired by modern business suits, and an eye-catching inner lining, this design is tailored for corporate settings.
Back in 2017, Davidoff unveiled its first Travel Humidor, which was celebrated for its blend of function and style. This accessory allowed cigar lovers to carry their cigars with them wherever they travelled, offering a combination of smart design and high-quality materials. The humidor was praised globally for making cigar travel easier and more comfortable. Building on that success, Davidoff’s latest Travel Humidor designs offer a broader range of options to suit various lifestyles. Edward Simon, Chief Marketing Officer at Oettinger Davidoff, commented: “Our new Travel Humidor Business is perfect for aficionados who frequently travel for work. Its colours and design complement business attire, while the removable leather tag provides a personalised touch, allowing individuals to stand out.”
Made in Italy, Designed for the World
Davidoff’s Travel Humidor line continues to revolutionise cigar travel, ensuring cigars arrive in style and in perfect condition. Each humidor comes equipped with a smart tray, exclusive to Davidoff, featuring an innovative wave design that can be adjusted to securely hold up to eight cigars, depending on the format. The choice of high-quality materials ensures that the cigars are protected from damage, preserving the delicate wrappers. With laminated fabric, seamlessly welded components, and a Boveda two-way humidity control pack, the humidor maintains the ideal humidity level for up to 45 days.
Business Style with a Customisable Element
The Travel Humidor Business is influenced by contemporary suit designs. Its sophisticated navy-blue exterior contrasts beautifully with a blue and white leaf-patterned interior. This humidor is ideal for professional settings, with features such as a magnetic clasp for easy access, pockets for accessories, and space for business cards. For an added personal touch, the removable leather tag can be customised. Additionally, the flexible material allows the humidor to be rolled up and easily packed into a suitcase or cabin luggage when not in use.
Launch & Availability
The new Davidoff Travel Humidor Business will be available from 24 October 2024 at select Davidoff-appointed merchants and flagship stores worldwide, although launch dates may vary by country.
The History of Davidoff Humidors
Just as fine wines must be stored in optimal conditions to develop and mature, premium cigars require the right environment. Zino Davidoff was the first to focus on perfecting the art of cigar storage, building his first cigar cellar in 1930 to control humidity and temperature. Recognising that not all cigar enthusiasts have access to such facilities, he pioneered the creation of humidors, allowing connoisseurs to store cigars on a smaller scale. Davidoff has continued to innovate in humidor design, with advancements like the Davidoff regulator, the first self-regulating system, eliminating the need for a hygrometer and ensuring cigars are always ready to be enjoyed.
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