Cigar News
SpecialsCondega moves into Lebanon
Author: Inspector Z
Condega moves into Lebanon. One of the fastest-growing international brands is setting up camp in Lebanon in a partnership with N.H.S. International. Condega is a brand of price-friendly premium handmade cigars from Nicaragua with a strong Spanish link. The international rights for the brand are in the hands of Casa del Tabaco, the premium cigar division of Gesinta. And for a few years, they are expanding the brand rapidly. Many European cigar enthusiasts, Asian cigar enthusiasts, and African cigar enthusiasts already have the pleasantry of being able to find Condega cigars at local retailers. And soon, that will be the case for Lebanese cigar smokers as well.
The cigar scene in Lebanon is booming. There are many shops and lounges with a few very active distributors of premium cigars. N.H.S. International, under the leadership of Francois Sarkis, is one of them. And they will bring in the Condega Serie F Titan, Mini Titan, Maduro, Arsenio & Magnum, as well as Condega Serie S Half Corona with possible add-ons after the initial launch. N.H.S. International is distributing several New World brands, with a history going back to 1990.
“A few years ago, we were introduced to Ramon Zapata and to his son, Aitor Zapata, who showed us all the characteristics and good things that Condega Cigars brand could offer to our consumers. And we saw it clearly: the international feedback and success of the brand pushed our interest along with our admiration of the quality of the cigar,” says Sarkis in a press release.
Offline sales
All their sales are offline, face-to-face with the best Lebanese tobacconists. Tobacconists of specialized cigar shops and lounges, as well as with more than one hundred convenience shops that can already sell cigars. N.H.S works closely with cigar lounges that aim to provide a relaxed atmosphere and offer a range of premium cigars for those who are not satisfied with what they know but are always open to new experiences and flavors and looking for what enriches their experience and deepen their knowledge of luxury cigars.
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