Cigar News
NewsCondega Cigars Enters Distribution Agreement with Augusto Cigars
Author: Inspector X
Condega Cigars has successfully entered into a distribution agreement with the esteemed distributor and retailer, Augusto Cigars. This strategic partnership has resulted in the addition of Condega Cigars to Augusto Cigars’ distinguished portfolio, which already boasts renowned brands such as Padron, Plasencia, My Father, Tatuaje, AJ Fernandez, La Flor Dominicana, La Aurora, Casa Turrent, Ashton, and JC Newman.
Expressing his enthusiasm about the collaboration, Ricardo Carioni, CEO of Gesinta International Tobacco Company, the entity behind Condega, remarked, “All of us at Condega Cigars are genuinely excited and looking forward to working with Øystein Kleven, Andrè Veiby, and the rest of the brilliant Augusto Cigars team.” Carioni conveyed his delight at the prospect of Norwegian cigar enthusiasts being able to savour Condega’s premium quality cigars, handcrafted in Nicaragua using exclusively fine-aged tobaccos.
August and Øystein Kleven, the founders of Augusto Cigars established in 1998, expressed their shared passion for cigar culture, emphasizing their commitment to providing Norwegians with access to a diverse selection of the finest cigars in the market. They reported that their sales are thriving, further solidifying their dedication to enriching the cigar experience for enthusiasts in Norway.
Condega Cigars, featuring popular offerings such as the Cerro Negro Edición Limitada and the Serie F Mareva, Magnum, and Mini Robusto, are now readily available at premier cigar stores and clubs across Oslo and throughout Norway.
The collaboration between Condega Cigars and Augusto Cigars at the InterTabac 2023 event, where the agreement was formalized, signifies a promising venture for both companies. The CEOs of Gesinta and La Casa del Tabaco, Ricardo Carioni and Honorio Tortosa, respectively, were present at this significant event.
In Conclusion, Condega Cigars’ entry into the Norwegian market alongside the esteemed partnership with Augusto Cigars is poised to make a significant impact, positioning Condega as a staple in the hearts and humidors of premium cigar connoisseurs in Norway. Cigar enthusiasts can now relish the experience of Condega’s meticulously crafted cigars, confident in the knowledge that they are in the hands of a trusted and esteemed distributor.
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