Cigar News
Cigaragua exclusive Sin Compromiso
Author: Inspector Z
Cigaragua in Amsterdam will get a store exclusive Sin Compromiso by Dunbarton Tobacco and trust. Steve Saka and Sasja van Horssen, owner of Cigaragua, announced the Sin Compromiso El Amsterdam in an e-mail to us.
The El Amsterdam is a 6×60 bullet head version of the regular Sim Compromiso. Saka will make 200 13 count boxes, exclusively for the all Nicaraguan shop in the museum quarter of the Dutch capital. The cigars will be priced at 18 euro a piece. The first hundred boxes are expected to land in August and the second hundred in November.
Next, to the Sin Compromiso El Amsterdam, the duo promised something very special for the attendees of the first-ever Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust event in Europe, September 19th at Cigaragua.