Cigar News
SpecialsCigar Rights of Europe launches new website
Author: Inspector Z
Cigar Rights of Europe launches a new website. The grassroots organization is a public interest group for cigar smokers. And the local chapters are trying to fight legislation that prevents cigar smokers from enjoying premium tobacco.
Cigar Rights of America
The cigar rights movement in America has been going strong for years. Cigar aficionados and the industries support Cigar Rights of America. And in exchange, they lobby for better conditions for cigar smokers. And if they have to, they even take the government to court. Like they did with the still pending FDA regulations.

The Cigar Rights of America movement is the inspiration for a select few European cigar aficionados to unite too. And not just end consumers are involved. One of the founders, for example, is Cigar Journal owner Reinhold Widmeyer. Cigar Rights of Europe was founded three years ago. Up until now, they operated on the background. But with a new board, it’s time to fight more in the open.
Social Media and Memberships
Cigar Rights of Europe is active on Instagram and Facebook. And all chapters have their own Facebook page as well. Like the ones that are interesting to you and see what you can do to help. Plus join Cigar Rights of Europe. They can use all the help in fighting the growing legislation. If not, politicians and anti-tobacco groups keep chipping away our freedom.
The yearly membership fee is only €25 for cigar aficionados or €100 for companies. And the more people join, the bigger the budget is to fight for our rights. Cigar Rights of Europe is run by volunteers, so all the proceeds go to the cause. After all, Cigar Rights of Europe is a grassroots organisation. Without support from the brothers and sisters of the leaf, they are nothing. So join!
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