Cigar News
Cigar Release: AKA Solace
Author: Cigar Inspector
AKA Cigars (American Kick Ass Cigars) is once again expanding its line of cigars. In addition to the popular Hybrid and Respect lines, now comes the AKA Solace. This line will be introduced at the upcoming International Premium Cigar and Pipe Retailers Association trade show in Orlando on August 2-6, 2012.
The Solace marks the first time AKA Cigars is using Connecticut Wrapper. According to AKA president Jay Lundy, “The Solace is a New Generation Connecticut Cigar that will start with a light white pepper and spice. The Solace develops into an elegant rich and creamy well balanced complex flavor profile of toasted marshmallow, coffee bean, and a pleasant dutch chocolate sweetness. This new masterpiece from AKA is sure to please all mild and medium body smokers, as well as the full body connoisseur.”
Using 4-year aged Ecuador/Connecticut wrapper over 4-year aged Honduran Criollo binder and 4 and 5- year aged Dominican and Honduran fillers, the Solace will come in 7 sizes with a suggested retail prices from $4.75 to $9.25.
The sizes are:
- “Bliss” Petit Corona (4.5”x 42) with a MSRP of $4.75
- “Destiny” Corona (6” x 44) and “Serenity” Rothchild (4.5” x 52) with an MSRP of $7.25
- “Cloud Nine” Robusto (5.5” x 50) with an MSRP of $7.75
- “7th Heaven” Churchill (7.25” x 50) with an MSRP of $8.25
- “Peace” Super Toro (6.5” x 54) with an MSRP of $8.75
- “Elation” Titan (6”x60) with an MSRP of $9.25