Cigar News
SpecialsAmendola Cigars moves production to Nicaragua
Author: Inspector Z
Amendola Cigars moves production to Nicaragua. For the last two years, Amendola Cigar Co. used Tabacalera Kafie y Cia in Honduras to produce its cigars. But starting July 1st, the production of the cigars is moving to Esteli, Nicaragua. To La Zona Cigar Factory and Tabacos Valle de Jalapa SA.
Aganorsa Leaf
The regular production of Amendola Cigars is moved to Tabacos Valle de Jalapa. That factory is better known as TABSA and is owned by Aganorsa Leaf. It is a renowned factory that is used by many well-respected brands as a base of operation. Brands such as Foundation, Illusione, Viaje, and Warped produce cigars at TABSA. Just as Condega, a brand popular in Europe with a growing distribution in Asia and Africa as well. Gurkha uses TABSA for its 30th-anniversary cigar, the Gurkha Treinta.
The Amendola core line includes three blends. Those blends are the Amendola Connecticut, Amendola Habano, and the Amendola Corojo Maduro. The cigars are offered in one size only. That is a 6×52 Toro.
Tabacalera La Zona
Erik Espinosa is the owner of Tabacalera La Zona, a factory in the heart of Esteli. That’s where the Amendola Signature line will be produced, just as the recently released Cannoli. The Amendola Padrino will get a new shape and a new blend. It will be a 6×54 wedge vitola. That’s a belicoso with a flattened head. The new blend will include a broadleaf wrapper instead of the Indonesian Sumatra wrapper used now.
The Cannoli lines were recently introduced. There are three blends. Those are the Amendola Signature Series San Andres Cannoli with a San Andres wrapper over Nicaraguan tobaccos. Soon there will be a Connecticut version and a Habano version. All cigars are a 5 ½ x42 corona. The release of the two latest versions is expected at the end of the summer.
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