Cigar News
SpecialsAlejandro Gonzalez releasing a Nicaraguan cigar
Author: Inspector Z
Alejandro Gonzalez releasing a Nicaraguan cigar. In the world of Cuban custom cigars, Alejandro Gonzalez is a big name. At the early age of 28, he was picked to be the roller at the Hotel Comodoro. When he started there, he filled big footsteps. He replaced the legend Crisantos Miranda as the house roller.
AG Cigars
And now, Alex, as he’s being called by friends and customers, is releasing his brand. AG Cigars, made in Nicaragua. Not a lot of information has been released. Just that the cigars are made in Esteli and will come in three sizes. Those are a 5×50 Prince, a 6×54 King, and a 7×58 Emperor.
The cigars are made by tobacco selected by Gonzalez personally. His goal is to make a cigar that will offer the characteristics of Cuban cigars, but with something unique. He blended a medium to a medium-full bodied cigar with depth and complexity. The cigars come in boxes of 25.
Not the first
Alex Gonzalez is not the first well known Cuban custom roller that came out with a Non-Cuban line of his own. The best known is probably Hamlet Paredes. He fled Cuba and was offered a chance by Rocky Patel. Hamlet now has several blends on the market bearing his name.
Another former Cuban roller with a Non-Cuban brand is Abel Exposito. He was once the manager of the La Casa del Habano in the Partagas factory. He was arrested but later released and his name was cleared. Yet, he never got his job back. And now he’s the owner of a small restaurant in Havana, and his line of Nicaraguan cigars.
And then there is Hirochi Robaina. The grandson of the legend, the best tobacco farmer Cuba has ever had. Alejandro Robaina is still a household name for cigar aficionados. And he’s the only one since the revolution that has a cigar named after him, the Vegas Robaina. His grandson Hirochi spends time between Cuba, Nicaragua, Ecuador and the USA. He grows tobacco in Cuba and Ecuador. And his HR cigars are made in Nicaragua.
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