La Aroma de Cuba
La Aroma de Cuba Introduces New Connecticut Blend: A Nicaraguan Mild to Medium-bodied Cigar by My Father Cigars
La Aroma de Cuba, outside the USA known as La Aroma del Caribe, is a brand of cigars made by My Father Cigars but owned by Ashton. There are several...
Published May 2023
New Artwork For La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor
Ashton Distributors has updated the packaging of the La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor line. La Aroma de Cuba is known as La Aroma del Caribe outside the USA due...
Published April 2022
Ashton comes with a new La Aroma de Cuba
Ashton comes with a new La Aroma de Cuba, or La Aroma del Caribe as it is called outside the United States. The new cigar is coming this summer says...
Published July 2021