Cigar Trophy

You can vote for the cigar trophy

You can vote for the cigar trophy. A few weeks ago, our friends from Cigar Journal opened the doors for nominations for their annual Cigar Trophy awards. And now the...

Published June 2021

Cigar trophy opens nominations

Cigar trophy opens nominations. From now until June 14 you can nominate your favorite cigars for the Cigar Trophy Awards from Cigar Journal. The renowned magazine hosts the annual award...

Published June 2021

Cigar Trophies are awarded

Cigar Trophies are awarded. During a virtual event, Cigar Journal celebrated the best cigars in the world with its annual award show. Usually, the award show takes place on the...

Published September 2020

May we have your votes?

May we have your votes? A sentence made famous by the Eurovision Song Contest. So it’s very suitable to use for the annual Cigar Trophy votes from Cigar Journal. Cigar...

Published June 2020

Vote for Cigar Trophy

Vote for Cigar Trophy. Each year, our friends of Cigar Journal are awarding cigar trophies to cigar manufacturers, cigar brands, lounges, and accessories. Usually during an event at the Intertabac...

Published June 2020