Boveda, a prominent name in the cigar industry known for its innovative humidification technology, has recently announced a price increase for its humidification packs. This is the first such increase...
Published November 2023
Newair, a prominent and well-respected player in the cigar fridge market, has taken a significant step forward by partnering with Boveda to create the groundbreaking Newair x Boveda 500 Count...
Published October 2023
Drunk Chicken Cigars, a premium cigar maker, announced today that it will include Boveda packs in all its cigar boxes. Boveda packs are humidity control packets that help to maintain...
Published September 2023
CigarBros is a company that offers businesses humidors that are designed to merchandise single cigars vertically with a look that reminds you of a vending machine. But unlike a vending...
Published May 2023
Two years ago, Boveda discontinued its Boveda Butler. That was a smart sensor to be placed in a humidor and it measured the temperature and humidity and send it to...
Published February 2023
Boveda is now available in Singapore. For many years, cigar enthusiasts in Singapore had to order their Boveda 2-way humidification packs online via eBay, Amazon, or other online retailers. But...
Published August 2021
Boveda discontinues its butler. For the last few years, Boveda was selling an electronic device that would monitor the humidity and temperature of your humidor. The results were transmitted via...
Published April 2021
Boveda humidity packs are now available in Spain. The humidification pack is available through the Spanish premium cigar distributor La Casa del Tabaco. Boveda is best known for its two-way...
Published August 2019