DAV Cigars expanding international distribution. The small Dominican brand of long-time friends Armen Caprielian, Val Atakhanian, and Pedro ‘Tico’ Ramon Fermin is moving into the Middle East. But that’s not...
Published April 2021
Mansa released in select markets. The countries of Bahrain, Kuwait, and New Zealand will receive the cigars just like the United States. But Dr. Gaby Kafie confirmed to us that...
Published December 2019
Phoenicia releases Ramon Allones Phoenicia 40. This 6½x54 Edicion Exclusiva will be released next week. On November 8th at a party in Beirut. EDIT: News just came in that the...
Published November 2019
Kafie Cigars to make RTB Cigars. That’s the new line from Ronald Thomas Brown II. Brown is based in Charlotte, North Caroline. From there, he runs his brand Concerto Cigars...
Published May 2019
Viajante Stogie Road is an American vlog about cigar shops and humidors. Owner and founder Kerry was traveling America and visited cigar shop and lounges whenever he had the chance....
Published February 2019