Cigar Library
The cigar insurance myth. As a cigar smoker, you probably heard that story more than once. According to the legend, some smart-ass insured his cigars against fire. And after smoking,...
Published June 2019
Living in the heart of Europe and having access to low cost airlines make it so easy to visit other countries that it would be a crime not to travel....
Published June 2019
Barcelona was pretty high on my “cities to visit” list. In fact, it has occupied the #1 spot for over two years since I went to Venice. It was only...
Published May 2019
Time to talk about Geneva in my “buying cigars in” post series. Geneva is often considered like the cigar capital in Europe, because a lot of online shops operate or...
Published April 2019
In 2009, I spent my Christmas holidays in Madrid, Spain. Not only this is a very beautiful city, but it also has a couple of places that might interest cigar...
Published February 2019
I love Corsica. I first visited the island a couple of years ago and absolutely wanted to spend at least one week there this year, which I finally managed to...
Published January 2019
I was really impressed with the cigar shops at the Dubai Duty Free. There are actually two of them, one is simply called ‘Cigars Shop’ (or something like that) and...
Published November 2018