Cigar Collecting: How to Build and Care for Your Personal Collection

Cigar Collecting: How to Build and Care for Your Personal Collection
Date: October 2023
Author: Usman Dawood

Cigar collecting is a fascinating and rewarding hobby that can be enjoyed by anyone with an interest in cigars and the history and culture surrounding them. Whether you’re a seasoned smoker or a newcomer to the world of cigars, building and caring for your own personal collection can be a great way to deepen your appreciation for the art and craft of cigar making.

One of the most exciting things about cigar collecting is the variety of cigars available to collect. From the iconic Cuban cigars, renowned for their rich, complex flavours and unparalleled quality, to cigars from other countries like the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Honduras, each country and region has its own unique style and flavour profile.

When building your collection, it’s important to start by deciding on the type of cigars you want to collect. Some collectors focus on cigars from a specific country or region, while others prefer to collect cigars from different eras or that have been made using specific methods or materials. Another option is to focus on a particular brand or maker.

Once you’ve decided on the type of cigars you want to collect, it’s important to do your research. This will help you to understand the different factors that can affect a cigar’s flavour and quality, such as the type of tobacco used, the growing conditions, and the aging process. You can also learn about the history and culture of the countries and regions where your cigars are made.

When it comes to buying cigars for your collection, it’s important to purchase from reputable dealers and sources. This will ensure that the cigars you’re buying are authentic and of good quality. It’s also a good idea to buy cigars that have been properly stored and cared for, as this can have a big impact on their flavour and overall quality.

Additionally, it’s important to store them properly to ensure that they will age well and maintain their quality over time. Generally speaking, you’ll want to store cigars in a humidor at around room temperature. You’ll also want to ensure the humidity in your humidor remains somewhere between 65 and 70%. Some aficionados may prefer higher and lower humidities depending on their preferences, however for the most part 65-70 is a good percentage to aim for.

Cigar collecting is not only an enjoyable hobby but also a way of gaining knowledge about the various regions, cultures and the art and craft that goes into making a cigar. It’s a way to explore different flavours, aromas, and textures, and to appreciate the nuances that can distinguish one cigar from another. And as your collection grows, it can be a source of pride and enjoyment, as you reflect on the cigars you’ve acquired and the experiences you’ve had while smoking them.

Another benefit of cigar collecting is the sense of camaraderie it can foster among like-minded enthusiasts. Whether you’re sharing cigars with friends at a social gathering or discussing your collection with other collectors, the world of cigar collecting is a community of passionate and knowledgeable people who are always willing to share their insights and experiences.

In conclusion, cigar collecting is a hobby that can be enjoyed by anyone with an interest in cigars and the culture surrounding them. It’s a way to explore different flavours, aromas, and textures, and to appreciate the nuances that can distinguish one cigar from another. By following the proper storage and care techniques, you can ensure that your cigars will maintain their flavour and quality over time, making your collection a source of pride and enjoyment. Furthermore, it is a great way to gain knowledge and connect with other enthusiasts, making it a fulfilling hobby.

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