European Cigar Cult Journal – US Edition

Just a short note to let you know that a special edition of the European Cigar Cult Journal mag, written specially for the American market, is now available at tobacconists across the country. The good part (and the reason of […]...

Top Non-Cuban Cigars of 2009

Today we bring you the list of the best smokes of 2009. They are not necessarily released in 2009, it’s just the finest among the cigars we smoked this year. This list is a group project, based on opinions of […]...

2009 Cuban Cigar Regional Editions

Here is new list of 2009 Cuban Regional Editions. Only released or confirmed vitolas are listed. The number of cigars from Punch is impressive… as is the average ring. Bolivar 5ta Avenida – Germany – 184 mm x 50 Bolivar […]...

Flavor and Construction Poll Results

Here are the results of our recent polls: As you can see, we can draw one major conclusion from these numbers: although the majority still thinks that Cuban cigars taste better on average while suffering from construction issues, there are […]...

Tatuaje and Altadis settle lawsuits

According to a CA article, Altadis and Tatuaje settled all of their lawsuits. A confidential (and I wonder how mutually beneficial) agreement was made and Pete Johnson said that he would be making “minor changes” to some of his cigars. [&...

Tatuaje sued by Altadis USA

UPDATE: the lawsuits have been settled. We haven’t seen a huge lawsuit in the cigar industry for a while, and here it is (it’s a few months old but I thought I should share) – Goliath, Altadis USA, against David, […]...

Former cigar factory worker finds jobs for ex-collegues

Here is a very real example of how the SCHIP cigar tax has actually affected people. Because of the drastically increased prices due to the new tax, a Florida-based cigar factory, Hav-A-Tampa, was forced to close its doors in April […]...

Alec Bradley introduces “Vice Press” cigars

This is a new blend from Alec Bradley. “Vice Press” will be presented in three formats featuring extra-large ring gauges: 5 x 64 robusto, 6.5 x 62 toro and 7 x 60 torpedo. From the press release: The blend consists […]...

2009 Cuban Cigar Limited Editions

This year, Habanos SA will be releasing three limited editions (just like in 2008). They will hit the shelves at the end of the year and, according to pre-tastings published in the cigar press, we should get our wallets ready. […]...

Davidoff acquires Cusano

This is the second recent acquisition by Davidoff Рback in October 2008, Oettinger Davidoff group acquired the Camacho brand. Cusano, a cigar company located in Florida, produces Cusano and Cuv̩e cigars. Its sales are estimated at 5 million c...

Don Pepin Garcia Event at Empire Cigars

Last Friday we had the privilege of having one of the most popular figures in the cigar industry at Empire Cigars – Don Pepin Garcia! Pepin showed up promptly at 3pm and the festivities began with Empanadas and Mojitos. Our […]...

2009 Cuban Cigar Deletions

Habanos SA recently announced which cigars will be removed from production in 2009. There are a couple of vitolas that I will miss for sure (especially the Bolivar Bonitas – stock up while they’re still available). List of Cuban cigars [&...

Duque Cigars Update

UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE DO NOT BUY FROM DUQUE CIGARS There have been some negative comments about Duque Cigars in our shops directory lately. I tried to get in touch with Thomas Hunter to see what was going on and finally […]...

SCHIP Cigar Tax Increase Unveiled

The inevitable happened – SCHIP was officially introduced in House Ways & Means Committee. Cigars smokers should expect an increase of maximum $0.40 per stick. Fortunately, it’s way below $3 which was originally proposed. For more in...

Top Non-Cuban Cigars of 2008

To continue our “best cigars of the year” series, here goes the list of top non-Cuban cigars of 2008 (you can see the best Cuban cigars of 2008 here). This time, it is a group project – I did a […]...

Top Cuban Cigars of 2008

Well, it’s that time of the year. People are buying gifts, students are getting ready for their exams and cigar blogs are publishing their top & best lists. This is the first time we are doing this, hope you enjoy […]...

Please welcome Joe, our new reviewer

Dear readers, I am very excited to tell you that we now have a new reviewer. His name is Joe and here’s what he has got to say about it: My name is Joe Reist. I’m 27 years old […]...

L’Aficion du Havane

Today, I would simply like to write a few words about a club of people passionate about their common hobby – cigars. L’Aficion du Havane was created in 1994 in Nimes (Southern France) and counts 38 as of today. They […]...

Massive cigar forums buy-out

If you have been following the news, you probably heard that a few very popular cigar sites were recently bought by a certain Jon Caputo. The sites that were sold are: Corresponding announc...

Survey of Women Cigar Smokers

Heather from Fumee World sent me a press-release about a survey conducted to gain a better understanding of female cigar consumers. It was created and conducted by Cigar Research and The Association for Women Cigar Smokers. There are some interesting...